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Help Bible Multi Versions English


About our Bible

Our Bible is a Multi-Versions App that allows us to download different versions of the Bible in a single App, without the need to install a new application.

Bible Splash

When you load the Bible app, a home screen is displayed containing the cover of the Default Bible .

Bible reading module

Selection of Books: Once inside the Bible, you can select the book of the bible of your interest.

Selection of Chapters: Then you can choose the chapter of your interest within the selected book.

Reading screen. After completing the previous steps, you can enter the Bible Reading Screen and navigate through the different options. At the top of the screen there are options: Search, Selection of Books and Chapters, etc.

In reading mode, in addition to the usual options, you have access to the menu, where you can find: Bookmarks, Version Management, Help, Download new Apps, Send Email, Share App, Rate App and About ...

Bible Settings In this option you can change the Bible settings Change font size, put in Day / Night Mode, Etc.

Day / night mode. Once the Night Mode reading option has been selected, the screen will be displayed in this way:

Download Multiple versions. You can download different versions of the Bible without installing a new app, to use this option you must go to Menu , then Manager Version

Within the option Manager Version we will proceed to download the bibles of our preference:

Biblical text search

To find any particular text in the Scriptures, a search function was implemented. It can be activated by clicking the corresponding icon on the reading screen.

In the search window, you can set the search range in this module (i.e. from one book to another, for example Genesis to Revelation). Then you enter a word or phrase to search for, and after clicking the search button, the app will start "fetch the results." Once the search is completed, a screen will be displayed with the list of the texts found, when clicked, the selected text will be opened.

Other Options

You can enjoy the following functions: Audio, Bookmarks, Share, font, colors and Copy.

Share. The Share feature allows you to send text messages or email. It is also possible to send through other programs, for example, send a message through social networks.

Notes. Here you can add notes and markers to help you understand the word of God.

Bookmarks. By clicking on the text, several options are activated, such as: Notes, Share and Bookmarks , the latter is represented by a star icon that when pressed on the Biblical text marks the letter in yellow.

Download other Apps from App Gallery

To install any of our applications, you must go to the App Gallery store and proceed to download the app that interests you.


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